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Hi! I'm Anna

Here to support parents to help their children be safer online by developing the skills to navigate the digital world in a safe and healthy way.

I believe engaging parents and raising awareness on everything to do with online access & safety has never been more important. Parents need to understand the different risks at different ages, across the different platforms that their children are facing every day, so they can support their child with the risks and develop positive online behaviours and boundaries. 

I began researching on this issue but was overwhelmed by the amount of information out there about online safety, the amount of apps and games and which dangers to look out for. 

I would often lose hours researching and googling but still feel no further on in terms of specific actions to take or where to start.

Most other parents I spoke to shared this frustration and worryingly it resulted in a lot of ‘nothing happening’ as parents were too overwhelmed, too busy,  too stressed to figure it all out, and had no time to have the more difficult conversations and to monitor their child’s screen time or activity. 

A common theme was occurring - set some parental controls (not always) and hope for the best - we'll deal with any problems if and when they arise.

I would have loved to have had a pool of resources that were tailored to the stage and age of my children that I could share with them whilst educating myself on all matters to do with online safety before phones even came into the equation.

I wanted this resource for myself and my family, but also for other parents and young people, in a relatable, easy to access form.

I not only wanted it, but desperately needed it.

At the start of the pandemic I had a complete lifestyle shuffle, left my career and started researching and talking to experts about this issue. 

is here to help you know exactly what to do.

There are plenty of resources here that give you practical steps that you can take immediately to keep your child safe online. You can start by downloading our free guides. Click on the images to download the resources. 


A Bit More About Me

I’m certainly glad smartphones and social media weren’t around when I was growing up.

I got Facebook at age 26 and still found it hard to not get addicted to or affected by this new craze.

Imagine trying to deal with Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and WhatApp as a child with a brain that is still developing.

Constantly contactable, on show, in competition for likes, followers, reactions, number of friends and so much more.

How is that ever going to work out well for your child’s brain, self-esteem, and mental health?

My Motivations

One of my daughters was bullied to the point where she started to self-harm by biting herself at age 6.

It took a lot of time, effort, and moving schools to build my daughter back up again.

I was dreading the time when she would get a phone – how much worse could this situation have been with a phone and social media involved?!

I wanted to be prepared and get ahead so I was ready to do the work needed and find out how to help my children stay safe online.

Then, building on my own family’s experiences, and science backed research and expertise of others,  I launched ScreenSafe to help parents like you who want to keep their children safe online but often feel overwhelemed into inaction at it all.

I want this issue to be available and talked about in homes and schools, in detail at all levels and all of the time. 

It cannot be a one conversation, one piece of security software fix, but rather it’s an ongoing and fast-changing topic that is impacting a whole generation and I am not prepared to sit back and just ‘hope for the best’ when it comes to childrens mental health. 

We often hear about the problems and negative behaviours happening online but aside from setting some parental controls, little is discussed about HOW to fix and more importantly prevent them. 

I believe engaging parents and raising awareness on everything to do with online access and safety has never been more important. Parents need to understand the different risks at different ages, across the different platforms that their children are facing every day, so they can support their child with the risks and give them the skills develop positive online behaviours and boundaries.